What Terraroads Is Made Of
Terraroads is a complex non-bacterial, concentrated, multi-enzymatic formulation that alters the
properties of earth materials, providing one of the most cost-effective methods to construct or stabilize
roads and road base. While enzymes are a core part of the Terraroads formulation, the product
contains additional organic compounds designed to accelerate bonding of ionic, charged soil

Terraroads increases the soil bearing characteristics by promoting a closer binding of soil particles. This reduces the tendency of the soil to expand after compaction and results in a strong, stable earth layer that resists the migration of water.

Why Enzyme Stabilization is Important
Enzymes increase the compressive strength of soil. The enzymes act as a catalyst to accelerate and strengthen road material bonding, creating a denser, cohesive and stable soil. Enzymes also reduce the compaction effort and improve soil workability while lubricating the soil particles. This makes the soil easier to grade and allows the compactor to achieve targeted soil density with fewer passes.

Enzyme stabilization also:

  • Increases soil density: helps reduce voids between soil particles by altering electro-chemical attraction in soil particles and releasing bound water. The result is a tighter, dryer, more dense road foundation
  • Lowers water permeability: tighter soil configurations discourage the migration of water that normally occurs in the voids between particles. Greater resistance to water penetration deterioration.
  • Leaves less environmental impact: enzymes are natural, safe (organic), non-toxic materials that will cause no harm or danger to humans, animals, fish or vegetation.

Terraroads is Non-toxic and Safe to Use
Terraroads is non-toxic, non-corrosive and non-caustic — it will not corrode equipment. It requires no special handling equipment and no special containment procedures as required with toxic and/or corrosive agents. It does not irritate skin tissue and causes no rashes or burns. Terraroads contains no combustible materials, is non-explosive and can be used near open flames. It is nongaseous and can be stored in poorly ventilated areas. It will not harm humans, animals, fish or vegetation under normal use and is totally biodegradable.

How Terraroads Is Sold
Terraroads is sold on a per mile/kilometer basis. We sell a patented technique and methodology. We do not sell product alone. We provide a skilled road supervisor for each of our sites to maintain quality control and proper use of our technology and methodology.

How Terraroads Is Applied
Terraroads is applied in five easy steps:

  1. Grade the road according to the road design specifications desired, placing graded material to the side in a windrow.
  2. Add Terraroads to the water truck and spray Terraroads water solution onto the road base and windrow, as you would to bring soil to optimum moisture for compaction.
  3. Mix material with a tiller or mixing machine, or by grading the soil material back and forth across the road.
  4. Replace windrowed material on the road while compacting in desired lifts.
  5. Compact and cap the road with topping, making sure to crown road for proper drainage.


How Terraroads Works

When mixed with water and applied prior to compaction, Terraroads acts upon cohesive fines contained in the soil through a catalytic bonding process. Terraroads lowers the surface tension of water which promotes fast and thorough penetration and dispersal of moisture. This causes hydrated clay particles to fill the voids in the soil forming a tight, dense, permanent stratum. The increased lubricity of soil particles allows the designated soil density to be reached with less compaction effort.

Unlike inorganic or petroleum based products which temporarily hold soil materials together, Terraroads causes the soil to bond during compaction into a dense permanent base which resists water penetration, weathering and wear. A properly treated Terraroads base becomes almost impervious to water penetration and much more resistant to frost heaving. This process takes place in 72 hours under normal summer conditions.

Less Water Is Required
Terraroads reduces the amount of water required to reach the optimum moisture level of the soil by as much as 25% since it promotes rapid saturation and inhibits surface evaporation.

Terraroads Works with a Variety of Soil Types
Terraroads has proven useful over a wide range of soil types. This range continues to expand as Terraroads is used in more diverse locations throughout the world. To ensure Terraroads will work with a given soil, it is important to consider two factors: the material gradation of the soil in use as well as the percentage of cohesive fines present.

Material gradation refers to the distribution (% by weight) of the different size of particles within a given soil sample. A sample is described as well-graded if it contains a good, even distribution of particle sizes. If a soil sample is composed of predominantly one size particle, it is said to be poorly graded. In terms of compaction, a well graded soil will compact more easily than one that is poorly graded. Well graded material allows smaller particles to fill the empty spaces between larger particles, leaving fewer voids after compaction.

Material gradation refers to the distribution (% by weight) of the different size of particles within a given soil sample. A sample is described as well-graded if it contains a good, even distribution of particle sizes. If a soil sample is composed of predominantly one size particle, it is said to be poorly graded. In terms of compaction, a well graded soil will compact more easily than one that is poorly graded. Well graded material allows smaller particles to fill the empty spaces between larger particles, leaving fewer voids after compaction.

The table below shows targets and ranges for soil gradations that work ideally with Terraroads. That said, we have seen excellent results well outside these ranges. To achieve effective stabilization, materials containing approximately 20% cohesive fines have been found a satisfactory target. Additionally, the soil should contain a wide range of material sizes to provide shear strength and internal friction which increases load bearing values.

Target Chart